Eterm look-feel: When an image file is randomly selected with the wallpaper, invalid file may be selected. The tooltip during resizing can not be displayed on the left and top edge of the desktop. MACRO: The dialog position specified by setdlgpos becomes to not be out of range in display. MACRO: When setdlgpos macro command has no argument, the dialog box is located on the default position. Added /CDATABIT=, /CPARITY=, /CSTOPBIT=, /CFLOWCTRL=, /CDELAYPERCHAR=, /CDELAYPERLINE= command line options. The OK button can not be pressed in the Setup- port dialog when no COM ports are available. The OK button notation in the Setup- port dialog is changed referring to the connection state. The tooltip of the speed setting is added on the Setup- port dialog. The detail information of COM port is added on the Setup- port dialog. The title of Setup- port dialog is changed from "Serial port setup" to "Serial port setup and connection".
The Setup- port dialog can be called even while TCP/IP connection.
MACRO: The DSR/DTR can be specified in setflowctrl command. The hardware is renamed to RTS/CTS, and DSR/DTR is newly added on the Flow control of Serial port ( Setup menu). Added support for hardware flow control DSR/DTR with serial connection. Added the MouseSelectStartDelay entry in the teraterm.ini file. The start of the text selection with the mouse can be delayed by setting. Added the Logging and the Logging menu into the File menu. Added /OSC52= command line option for change the "Clipboard access from remote" setting. Added the "Accept clearing scroll buffer from remote" setting on the Control Sequence tab of the Additional settings dialog. Added support for xterm ED 3 (clear scroll buffer) control sequence.
Added support for REP control sequence.When the opacity values of the Additional settings dialog is input over than 255, the value is automatically changed to 255 over the dialog.Also, added the BGIgnoreThemeFile entry in the teraterm.ini file. Eterm look-feel: Added the Mixed ThemeFile to Background configuration.When transparency is not available, made opacity not changeable. Added slider for specify the opacity values on the Visual tab of the Additional settings dialog.The location of resizing tooltip is automatically moved to coordinates after resizing.When the opacity value of the window is temporarily changed by operating the mouse wheel on the title bar of VT window, the tooltip of the opacity value is shown.Changed of indication from "Protocol" to "IP version" and from "UNSPEC" to "AUTO" on New connection dialog.Added SFMT information on version dialog.