margo inferior – a lower margin of a lung, transition of facies costalis to facies diaphragmatica.margo anterior – an anterior margin of a lung, transition of facies costalis in facies mediastinalis.apex pulmonis – the peak of a lung, located in the cupula pleurae.ligamentum pulmonale – a caudal narrowed continuation of the hilum area in which the pleura visceralis passes into the pleura parietalis, as well as on the pulmonary hilum.hilum pulmonis – the pulmonary hilum, the medial aspect of each lung on which the bronchi and arteries enter the lungs, the pulmonary veins exit.facies mediastinalis – an area facing the mediastinum.facies diaphragmatica – a lower area facing the diaphragm.facies costalis – an area facing the ribs.alveolus), which are well entwined with blood capillaries. Mammalian, human and also bee lungs are comprised by millions of thin-walled sacs, pulmonary alveoli (sing. The lungs are located in the pleural cavity having their surface covered by a delicate membrane, pulmonary pleurae (sing. pulmōnēs) are a pair organ, that secures the function of exchanging gasses between the air and the blood.